Friday, August 29, 2008

Sling OSGi Track pt 4: installing to Sling using Maven

This is the continuation of

In this part, I will show how to install a maven-built bundle to sling directly from maven


  • Show how to install a maven-built bundle to sling




  • Add the sling plugin to the pom
  • Add the ASF incubating repository
  • Build and Install
  • Test


Add the sling plugin to the pom

Add the following snippet to the build plugins.

(8-10) bind the execution of the plugin's install-bundle goal to install phase goal
(11-15) configure the sling URL to use, the username and the password.

  1: <plugin>
  2: 	<groupId></groupId>
  3: 	<artifactId>maven-sling-plugin</artifactId>
  4: 	<version>2.0.2-incubator</version>
  5: 	<executions>
  6: 		<execution>
  7: 			<id>install-bundle</id>
  8: 			<goals>
  9: 				<goal>install</goal>
 10: 			</goals>
 11: 			<configuration>
 12: 				<slingUrl>http://localhost:7402/system/console/install</slingUrl>
 13: 				<user>admin</user>
 14: 				<password>admin</password>
 15: 			</configuration>
 16: 		</execution>
 17: 	</executions>
 18: </plugin>
Add the ASF incubating repository

The sling plugin (to date) lives in the Apache Software Foundation's incubating repository (as sling is still in the incubator).
So for maven to be able to resolve the plugin, we must add the repository to the pom.
While we're at it, we will also add it both as a plugin and as a regular artifact repository, as we'll be using other parts of sling later on.

Add the following right before the <dependencies> section:

  1: <repositories>
  2: 	<repository>
  3: 		<id>apache.incubating</id>
  4: 		<name>Apache Incubating Repository</name>
  5: 		<url></url>
  6: 	</repository>
  7: </repositories>
  8: <pluginRepositories>
  9: 	<pluginRepository>
 10: 		<id>apache.incubating.plugins</id>
 11: 		<name>Apache Incubating Plugin Repository</name>
 12: 		<url>
 13: 		</url>
 14: 	</pluginRepository>
 15: </pluginRepositories>

Build and Install

Now, execute maven so:

mvn clean install


To verify that the new package is deployed, go to the sling console at http://localhost:7402/system/console/list and click on the "OSGI Test Bundle" to see the details
(this only works in Firefox, not on IE, about others I do not know).

I bumped the version by 0.0.1 for each part of this series, so we're now at 0.0.4.
The version is taken from the pom's <version> element.

snap001 2008-08-29



As usual, go to http://localhost:7402/test to see the service say "hello"

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